Breaking the Final Connectivity Barriers for Higher Education Institutions in Africa: The Next Steps and A Call to Action
During the late 90s, a growing wave of action started among African universities and research institutions, focusing on the need for global connectivity to provide access to especially journal databases and other online resources. Alongside this was the general continental move towards liberalization of the telecommunications sector to introduce more competition and reach more people. […]
Global Digital Transformation Trends and Implications for African Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
The question of how ICTs will affect the world in the next 10, 20, or 30 years, therefore, has become a sociological question, because it is the state of society that will determine which directions technology will take, and how it will be used. Indeed, if you visit the many sites that look at the […]
The State of ICT in Uganda (2019)
This research, under the auspices of Research ICT Africa, was made possible by the support received from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC and SIDA). The nationally representative ICT access and use survey referenced in this report form part of a survey of 22 countries in the Global South (10 in Africa) that canvasses barriers […]
Evaluation of the Bilateral Research Cooperation Between Sweden and Uganda
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has been providing support to universities in Uganda to strengthen research capacity and research training that are also relevant to poverty reduction and sustainable development. Starting with Makerere University (Mak) in 2000, the program has grown to encompass a network involving five universities in Uganda and 17 universities/institutions […]
National Information Technology Survey Final Report
The National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U), with funding from the government of Uganda, conducted the National Information Technology (IT) Survey 2022 to provide data and information that informs and supports the monitoring of national development policies and international frameworks related to information technology (IT). This third edition of the National IT Survey provides information on […]
Uganda National Broadband Baseline Survey and Infrastructure Blueprint

The main objective of this study was to establish a national broadband baseline and subsequently develop a 10-year National Broadband Infrastructure Blueprint (2022/23 – 2032/33). This study, commissioned by the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance (MoICT&NG), was funded through the World Bank’s Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (RCIP). Under the third National Development Plan (2020/21–2024/25) […]